Dear Friend,

Rumeal with his wife Hana and their two boys (l-r) Samuel & Bryant.
Like many kids, I thought that I was just getting a tennis lesson. When I asked my parents to take me to my first 15-LOVE lesson, I had no idea it would lead me to a community that would change the course of my life. It seemed like a simple off-court session, a rudimentary discussion about values. That was one of the first times that I ever considered my own values and more importantly, how important it is to respect others. I was hooked after that; and threw myself full-speed into the program. I had fun playing tennis, but I really just wanted to be surrounded by extraordinary people.
As I transitioned from being a participant into being a volunteer, I got to see even more. I gained a greater appreciation for everything the program provided for me and how hard everyone worked to make it succeed. I experienced so many awesome things. I visited after-school programs to encourage kids to read. I watched little kids light up after winning a prize at the annual Jamboree, and saw my peers bask in the glory of victory after a hard-fought tournament match.

Rumeal flying over Seoraksan National Park in Korea.
Some of the things I learned were more technical, like how to attack a shot on the rise or how footwork would allow me to succeed on the court. But I also learned much more important life lessons, like how some of my values may differ from others and how to respect them all the same. I learned how to set an example for my younger peers, how to help encourage them so they could achieve their dreams. I learned a lot about how to be a leader by serving others and contributing to an organization that was greater than myself. Truthfully, I learned a lot about myself, how to be comfortable in my own skin and shed societal expectations. I was given the opportunity to attend West Point, and at first I was pretty nervous. It was my first time really being away from home, in a totally new environment, with all kinds of pressure bearing down on me. But every day I checked my mail that first summer, I had a stack of letters from my fellow 15- LOVE participants telling me that I was going to do great (we could only write letters that first summer). I still have those letters, and they serve as one of the reminders of what I was a part of. That support continued for my whole life. I graduated in 2012 (still can’t believe it sometimes), became an Army officer, and got to go off and fly helicopters! I’ve been able to do so many cool things and see so many different places as I’ve grown older. I spent a semester abroad in college studying Chinese in Changchun province in North China. I went on two operational rotations to Europe and got to fly Blackhawks in France, England, Germany, Poland, and Belgium. I’m currently in a program learning to fly airplanes so I can eventually become an airline pilot. But funnily enough, I’m just one story from the program. One of my favorite things about this experience is that I didn’t just do this myself; I saw many others go through the same transformation. I’ve seen most of my peers go on to achieve great things in a dazzling number of fields. Some are lawyers, doctors, and artists; but all blossomed into great citizens in their own way. I am extremely confident that 15-LOVE provided the foundation for many of the skills they utilize in their successes. Aside from that, many continue to support the program today, providing whatever they can to help the next generation of participants reach their own goals and fostering a community that I am lucky to be a part of.
I have been truly fortunate to have been shrouded in the program since I was small. It’s been one of the constants in my life and was my home away from home for the better part of my youth. I have my own children now and I want them to have the same opportunity that I did. To flourish in a caring environment that gave me the confidence I needed to thrive in today’s changing world. I ask that you please consider supporting the program in any way that you can, no matter how, it all truly helps. 15-LOVE helps children expand their horizons through reading programs and stimulates wellness with healthy gardening and cooking classes. They foster academic growth through leadership, college prep, STEM programs, and much, much, more. All these programs are growing every year! Any support you can provide will help them grow even more and increase their reach to help even more children. Thank you!